Caduceus Bendable Stylus


Caduceus Bendable Stylus

SKU: CBSFS Category:

The body of the Caduceus is made from an aluminum core covered in a vinyl sleeve that allows it to be bent and reshaped many times. This allows the Caduceus to be wrapped and worn around the fingers, hand, wrist, or even elbow and used without the need to grip the stylus with the fingers or hand making it ideal for anyone that finds gripping a pen shaped device difficult. This includes individuals who need to use any kind of brace on their hands or wrists, often overcoming the issue of touch screens being unable to register contact.


NAICS: 327212, 333914, 334510, 334516, 337127, 339112, 339113, 339115, 423210, 423220, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423610, 423990, 446199, 448190, 532490, 621512

PSC/FSC: 4240, 6510, 6515, 6525, 6530, 6532, 6540, 6545